4 Common Concerns About Outsourcing Employment Background Screenings

In the modern business landscape, employment background checks are crucial for maintaining a safe and competent workforce. However, the decision to outsource these screenings can prompt a range of concerns for business owners, HR professionals, and recruitment agencies. Here, we dissect four common worries and explain how outsourcing can not only alleviate these concerns but also contribute to significant advantages.

At PlusOne Screening Solutions, we have worked to check and adjust our services to address these concerns for our clients.

Concern 1: Cost

The apprehension that outsourcing will lead to perceived high costs that might deter employers from seeking external expertise. However, by outsourcing to a third-party partner, like PlusOne Screenings Solutions, employers can benefit as they have the infrastructure and resources to conduct comprehensive background checks at a lower cost per candidate. This will eliminate the need for in-house staff dedicated to screenings, which reduces overhead costs.

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Not only can you save on direct costs such as staffing and training, but you also avoid expenses related to database access and continuous updating of legal requirements. By leveraging their resources, you’re tapping into an optimized service that provides comprehensive checks at a fraction of the independent cost.

Concern 2: Legal Compliance and Minimizing Risk

Employment background checks are brimming with legal tripwires, making compliance a critical issue. With ever-evolving laws and regulations across jurisdictions, it becomes nearly impossible for employers to stay updated on all legal aspects.

Outsourcing partners, like PlusOne Screening Solutions, are specialized in this field and maintain a current understanding of the relevant laws to ensure that your screening process is fully compliant, thereby mitigating legal risks. Their industry expertise becomes your frontline defense against accidental non-compliance.

Concern 3: Perceived Loss of Control

The fear of losing control over the screening process can make employers reluctant to outsource. This perception, however, can be countered by partnering with reputable providers that offer transparency at every step.

By establishing clear service level agreements and involving you in the design of background check services, outsourcing firms ensure you maintain control over the essential aspects of the background checks while they handle the execution. Moreover, with visibility, real-time tracking, and detailed reports, you can monitor outcomes.

Concern 4: Doubts About Experience and Expertise

Employers may worry about the experience and expertise level of third-party background screening services. It’s important to choose a partner with a proven track record.

No one knows your business like you, but background screening services are what we, PlusOne Screenings Solutions, specialize in, and our work weeks are built around the background screening services that we provide to our clients.

Experienced outsourced teams bring a level of expertise that is accomplished by years of training and operation inside of the background screening industry, which is unlikely that an internal team would match. Their experience often translates into more thorough background checks, helping you to make more informed hiring decisions and improve the quality of new hires.

The Positive Impact of Outsourcing

Outsourcing employment background screening services doesn’t only address concerns; it turns them into operational triumphs. Alongside improving the quality of employees, businesses notice enhanced time-management gains. Employers can enhance their company’s hiring practices and focus on growth and development in their core business areas.

Cost savings are realized as unnecessary expenditure is cut, and access to industry-specific expertise is granted.


Remember, choosing the right outsourcing partner is key. So do your due diligence, communicate your needs clearly, and select a service that understands and aligns with your business goals.

Here at PlusOne Screening Solutions, we consider ourselves to be a true background screening partner. We can assist with developing background screening services, including background checks that would meet your business needs.

If you would like to learn more about our background screening services, reach out to us today. We look forward to hearing from you.


Contents are provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Users are reminded to seek legal counsel concerning their obligations and use of PlusOne Screening Solutions services.