Here’s What Job Hunters Are Looking for in 2024

As we move further into the new decade, jobs and hiring are predicted to evolve drastically. From the rise of automation and remote work to the need for diverse workforces and employer branding, there are a variety of factors that will impact the way companies recruit top talent. Today, we’re focusing on the job hunters themselves, their expectations, and desires for the future of their careers. According to a recent study, here’s what job hunters are looking for in 2024.


1. Flexibility

This should come as no surprise, as flexibility has been a buzzword for years now. According to the study, job hunters are looking for more flexibility when it comes to their work arrangements. This includes remote work options, flexible schedules, and the ability to manage their own workload. With technology allowing for more jobs to be done from anywhere, top companies will be wise to accommodate these desires in order to attract the best talent.


2. Work-Life Balance

In addition to flexibility, job hunters are also looking for balance. They want to be able to pursue passions outside of work, spend time with family, and prioritize their mental and physical health. Work-life balance is becoming increasingly important, and companies that prioritize this will be more attractive to job hunters.


3. Purpose-Driven Work

Gone are the days when a paycheck was the only motivator to go to work. Job hunters are now looking for meaningful work that aligns with their values and gives them a sense of purpose. Companies that can communicate their mission and values will have a better chance of appealing to these job hunters.


4. Career Development Opportunities

Job hunters aren’t just looking for a job – they’re looking for a career. This means they want opportunities to learn new skills, take on more responsibility, and advance within the company. Providing clear paths for career growth and development will be crucial for companies looking to attract and retain top talent.


5. Diversity and Inclusion

Finally, job hunters want to work for companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion. This means not only having diverse teams but also creating an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels valued and respected. Companies that can demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion will be more attractive to job hunters, particularly younger generations who place a high value on these aspects.


Hire Faster with PlusOne Screening Solutions

Now that we know what job hunters are looking for in 2024, it’s time to start thinking about attracting and retaining top talent. One aspect that can make a big difference is your hiring process. PlusOne Screening Solutions can help HR departments streamline hiring and make faster, more informed decisions. Our services include background checks, drug screenings, and various other screenings to ensure the best possible hires. Contact us today to learn more.



The job market is constantly evolving, and companies need to stay ahead of the curve to attract and retain top talent. By prioritizing flexibility, work-life balance, purpose-driven work, career development, and diversity and inclusion, companies can appeal to job hunters in 2024 and beyond. Additionally, services like PlusOne Screening Solutions can help HR departments make faster, more informed hiring decisions, leading to a stronger workforce and business success.